
Wo sind die 4000 Mönche? Was wird aus Ihnen?

BBC berichtet folgendes:

'Disrobed and shackled'

About 4,000 monks have been rounded up in Rangoon over the past week and are being held at a disused race course and a technical college, the BBC has learned.

Sources from a government-sponsored militia said they would soon be sent to prisons in the far north of the country.

The monks have been disrobed and shackled, the sources told BBC radio's Burmese service. There are reports that the monks are refusing to eat.

In Geneva, the UN Human Rights Council is holding an emergency session which is expected to hear testimonies from witnesses to the violence.

"As the protesters are becoming invisible, our concern only increases for the safety and well-being of the monks, presumably confined to their monasteries if not worse," High Commissioner Louise Arbour said.

The 47-nation council lacks enforcement powers, and is limited to focusing global attention on human rights offenders.

Hier die gleiche Information auf Deutsch in einer österreichischen Zeitung

Hier - wieder Englisch - noch ein Bericht von Irrwaddy.org mit mehr Details. Auch www.buddhistchannel.tv stellt die einfringliche Frage "Where are Myanmar's monks?"

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